Фрилансеры › Андрей Добровольский
I`m Middle Backend Software Engineer with commercial working experience of 2.5+ years and 1+ year of freelance.
I do not work with CMS at all.
My main development tool is Laravel.
I prefer to work with people who able to explain what they need correctly.
I am always looking for the best and optimal way of features implementation with minimal risks and better performance.
I am crazy about interesting and non trivial tasks.
My code style is clear and it means that it is easy to understand and support the code easily in the future by any other person.
I always try to keep all MVC/SOLID/PSR code standarts where it is possible to keep.
I adore working with different API`s, parsers, big data, interesting architectural solutions.
I always try to improve my skills from task to task, to find out more and more optimal ways for some tasks, solutions, architecture etc.
My technologies stack:
VCS: Git/GitFlow
Rest API
I am mostly backend developer but can do both frontend and backend development;
I worked a lot with Instagram API(smm services, parsers, etc).
As well I have an experience with big data projects, troubleshooting, etc.
Some code samples done with Laravel:
- https://bitbucket.org/manowartop97/challenge/src/master/
- https://bitbucket.org/manowartop97/laravel-rest-example/src/master/
- https://bitbucket.org/manowartop97/admin/src/master/
Навыки и умения
Отзывы о выполненных проектах 1
6 июня 100 ₴ Laravel разработчик
Профессиональный, грамотный специалист
Проекты в работе 1 | |||||
API сервіс арбітражу криптовалют
233 ₴
233 ₴
23ноя |
90 дней
Последние ставки 10 | |||||
API сервіс арбітражу криптовалют
233 ₴
233 ₴
23ноя |
90 дней
Backend PHP Laravel разработчик
1 234 ₴
1 234 ₴
11ноя |
2 дня
Нужен PHP developer |
8ноя |
1 день
Парсинг 400 сайтов |
6ноя |
1 день
Удаленная работа PHP разработчика |
22окт |
2 дня
PHP Developer
35 000 ₴
35 000 ₴
17окт |
1 день
Необходимо разработать сервис на frame work- laravel |
16окт |
1 день
Senior Laravel Developer Required for API Development
20 000 ₽
20 000 ₽
15окт |
20 дней
Биржа студенческих работ (Back) |
8окт |
1 день
Исправить ошибку в Back end Laravel
100 ₴
100 ₴
8окт |
1 день